Monday 11 June 2012

5 Sentence Fiction Lost

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.

This week: Lost

The fine, soft sand trickled through her brightly polished toes with every sweeping step towards nowhere but nowhere was better than going back.

For months Cindy had yearned for the freedom, the space and the time to just be.

Her dream was to become an actress and as she realised her dream, the paparazzi realised their money spinner as they waited with lenses poised like sinister probes waiting to prod and poke her inner desire- and the people behind them wishing they actually could.  

Scandalous lies followed Cindy everywhere and the art of acting was now lost amongst a turbulent sea of celebrity and gossip where she was slowly drowning amongst the suffocating sleaze.          

A light breeze blew and a newspaper fluttered by unnoticed, with a headline of ‘MISSING’ emblazoned across the top as a picture of Cindy in full celebrity mode of false smile, bleached teeth and cleavage filled the page; not seen for forty eight hours . .  .but they were the best forty eight hours of her life as she embraced the unknown with a real smile.     

I actually do like the world of celeb but I guess this is the other side we don't see until its too late. xxx


  1. I totally agree with your last note about not knowing the real world of celebrity. I love this piece of fiction. I only ever think about what lives they lead, all that money and fame and they can do everything they ever want. We only ever see the photos where celebs are enjoying themselves so why think otherwise? I hope Cindy stays missing for as long as she needs to!!! Great job and makes the reader really think.xxxx

    1. Thank you chicken . . I have been thinking about this one for days and then thought of celebrity and off I went. I totally agree with you and pleased you liked and it gave oyu food for thought. . . . now where's that heat mag? xxxx

  2. Third sentence is my favourite! I loved the premise, some celebs seem to exist to fill magazines, but there are so many more who must feel just as you've put across so eloquently. Glad she's getting a break...and maybe, just maybe, she'll bump into xx

    1. Lol . . . you never know. . .I kept thinking of that darn TV show and then the beach and here we are. Glad you liked. :-))xxx

  3. I've got a feeling this happens all too often in that world of celebs. I remember a case like that in SoCal some years ago. Nicely done.

    1. I didn't know about that but not surprised.
      Thank you for reading. :-) xxx

  4. I enjoyed this. I sometimes wonder whether these celebs do really want some peace and quiet, but you conveyed this sense of freedom well.

    1. Thank you. I think some celebs do but then others crave the lime light!
      Thank you for your comment. xxx

  5. Purposefully lost and loving it! Enjoyed the spin you put on the prompt!

    1. Thank you! I did struggle as I kept thinking of the TV show! xxx

  6. Love it ...What a relief and sense of freedom. Wonder how she managed to get herself lost. Hope she stays lost as long as she possible before the FEDs get involved. Nice work.

    1. I wonder too actually . . I'm pleased its raised some questions for you to ponder. Thank you for coming by. xxx

  7. I really like your take on the prompt! Getting lost on purpose. Loved the newspaper blowing by and those final words: "a REAL smile." :)

    1. With celebville, there's so much fake going on that do we ever see a real smile? And do they have anything to give a real smile for? Pleased you liked and found the time to comment. xxx

  8. What a creative take on the prompt. I loved that you explored the different parts of the celebrity life that we do not see as much. Vivid details also! Nice work!

    1. Cheers chicken! I did struggle with Lost but it seems to have worked out ok once I got the plane crash and Sawyer from that TV show out of my head lol. Thank you for your comment!! xxx

  9. Fantastic! I love the line "suffocating sleaze". Beautifully told, you packed the full story in such a small space. Great take on the prompt, I loved where you went with this!

    1. Thank you. I wasn't sure where I was going with Lost as I seemed to be just that with this prompt for a for bit. xxx

  10. Such an interesting and unexpected take on the prompt! Nicely done :) That third sentence is written so well, it just flows beautifully and says so much!!

  11. Wow, thank you Lillie, that means so much! I really appreciate your comment! Glad you liked too. xxx
