Surely it's worth sponsoering a quid just for wearing the wigs! |
I’m not sure of the focus of this blog today as it has been
a pretty awesome day for many reasons. (I'm also not too sure for a title for it either!)What started out as a fund raising event has
turned into so much more and a blog seemed a fitting way to capture my thoughts
of the day and those involved.
It started with a charity walk for Macmillan, a charity who cares
for and supports those living with cancer. It was a walk of only 3 miles but it
was the first time this event had taken place for this charity. But I’m sure
not the last!
Kick off was 11am at a pub for registration and collection
of our t shirts to wear on the walk. The sun was shining on this fabulous mid
October morning and it was warm! Pretty good considering when I got up at 7
there was a frost covering the ground! The sea was a gorgeous blue and there
was not a cloud in the sky; perfect for a coastal walk from Brighton Marina.
Not bad for Mid October!!! Brighton Marina Oct 14th 2012 |
14 of us took part in our group plus 2 dogs and a friend’s
little girl. We chatted, took pics, laughed, met other people, chatted some
more, drank tea, laughed some more and had a thoroughly good time whilst
raising money.
On finishing the walk, we received a medal and a certificate
as well as wearing big smiles for our sense of achievement. That smile has not disappeared.
People’s generosity has seen to that.
We did it!!!!! |
When I got home, I had discovered that Number 1 Son had
cleaned the house from top to bottom; loaded and turned on the dishwasher,
shiny kitchen and hoovered- the 8 legged beastie that has been under a book for
the last 4 days has now gone. Yay! Hubby
will be pleased when he gets home from work and I’m beaming because I don’t
have to do it! Thank you! I’m now cooking No 1 Son his favourite dinner! What a
lovely home coming. Not that 3 miles tired me out, but I thought No 1 Son did
this for me. . . . Sadly not . . . . . He wanted it nice and sparkly for his
dad when he got home.
Then, with only 3 quid to go from hitting our target, a
school girl donated from her pocket money. It just blew me away.
And then, a very dear friend whom I have never met made a
donation. I came across this person through blogging, well writing really and
from then on she has become one of my greatest supporters when it comes to my
work. It amazes me how you can create such strong friendships without actually having
ever met; such is the power of the written word! And to think when I first saw
5 sentence fiction, I ummed and arred about entering. But glad I did with ‘Wicked’
as I have met some truly wonderful writers and friends.
And to top it off, our target of money raised for the
charity walk has long been busted and it keeps rising!
I think doing the walk as a group has really helped; we all
know the same people for a start which can make raising money tricky if doing
it individually. There’s only so much to go round and being skint is part and
parcel of life right now for many of us; which just makes the giving more
So thank you to my fellow walkers who made today such fun! Thank
you to all the people who have sponsored us. Thank you to all those who have
pledged to sponsor us on payday. Thank you to No 1 son for cleaning!! And thank
you Macmillan Nurses for doing what you do. You’re amazing!
Love Me. xx
Me and the Mad American. xxx |