Monday 6 August 2012

Day six Reading

Day 6 Reading. I've entered two ideas here; one a written piece and the other pictures. x 

1 You Are Invited On a Journey
Transport me to a new world.  I can disappear into Hogwarts, casting spells and defeating The Dark Lord. I can do battle with Demons, Vampires, Immortals and fight dragons. I can shop until I drop without it costing me a penny with Becky Bloomwood aka Shopaholic.     

I can lose myself in the world of laughter that is Spike Milligan, shed a tear with Michael Morpurgo and  nose about the lives of Marilyn, Michael Caine, Sinatra in biographies.  

Books keep alive the history of our ancestors and the victories of our heroes. Each book is a journey waiting to be taken.

2  Marilyn Monroe, taking time out reading. xx

Day six of the jump-on-board-for-blogflash2012-30-days-30-prompts-30-posts/ coutesey of Terri Giuliano Long. Pop along to her page The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively for wonderful tips and advice on writing and for reading the entries from wonderful writers.


  1. So true!! Reading can take you anywhere!! And I love your picture piece too!! Terrific idea!! :)

    1. I wanted to include MM somewhere and these pics are perfect. And I'd already written about reading for 'Busy' so thought about another angle. xx

  2. Lovely post and so true. I've travelled the world through books, and look forward to many more journeys.

    1. Me too; glad you liked and took time to visit :-)) xx

  3. Replies
    1. I think the hardest part is choosing which journey to go on next and wanting the present one to never end. xx

  4. MM was so glamorous. Never seen those photo's before, although LIFE magazine have been tweeting pic's and I meant to browse.

    You are so right about reading, transporting one away from reality. So many books, so little time ... x.

    1. I know. . . . and then there's all the creative wrting in blogs to read! xx

  5. Love what you have done here Lizzie. Books are a wonderful gift we savour from so many writers.

    Good pics as well of the legendary Marilyn Monroe.

    1. Thank you; I always feel I'm on a journey and always talk about it so I can take my friends along too. Love MM and am now clogging my facebook with pics of her. It was good to link her in with this prompt as I have 15 books on her! xx

  6. This is a lovely post! And I love those pictures of Marilyn!

    1. Thank you. Glad I got the opportunity to get MM in somewhere. x
