Monday 13 August 2012

Forest Day 13

 Into the Forest
There were stories.  This was why the forest was avoided. There was no bird song, no rustling of leaves, the buzzing of insects were absent. The forest was still. Even the wind ceased to exist.

Toby knew this when he accepted the dare. Deeper into the forest he walked; the only sound his breathing and the crunching of dry leaves underfoot. Despite being void of life, Toby found the forest beautiful. His mind was free, his thoughts clear. He felt peaceful. . . . . . until he looked up. He stopped in wonder and stared. Shoes . . . . .  children’s shoes were hanging from the branches. . . .


 Day thirteen of the jump-on-board-for-blogflash2012-30-days-30-prompts-30-posts/ coutesey of Terri Giuliano Long. Pop along to her page The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively for wonderful tips and advice on writing and for reading the entries from wonderful writers.


  1. Oooh I want to know the stories being told about the forest!

    1. I was hoping to carry it on but haven't had the opportunity. I'll try. xx

  2. Hi Lizzie,

    I have to agree with Lisa, I want to know the stories about the forest and the children's shoes hanging from the branches. Is Toby's reaction, the peace, clear thought and his mind being free connected to the stories of the forest? Is it some kind of lure? Lots of unanswered questions here, but I love the post and would really like to know more!

    1. Glad you liked and yes, I know there are lots of unanswered questions that I hope to answer another time. . . . . with another post . . . . . . at some point. . . xxx

  3. I'm not sure I want to know why there are children's shoes! It is a nice piece though. A quiet forest is unusual.

    1. it is indeed. pleased you liked. I'll try and carry on at some point. xxx

  4. That is so chilling. I felt tingles as I read that last line!

    1. Ooh, great response! Makes me want to continue. xxx

  5. Chilling is the right word!! I want to know the stories he'd heard and why he accepted the dare!! Eeeeek!! :)

    1. Love the Eeeeeek!!! The more I read the comments, the more I feel the need to try and continue. . . xxx

  6. Qoo, no! Don't like to think about that image of children's shoes.

    1. It's quite creepy but I took the photo at a children's adventure park. I guess it's my description that has made a fun pic into a creepy one. xxx
