Monday 27 August 2012

History Day 27

Here's my entry for History; an alternative history which is also 92 words over but I couldn't omit anything as then it wouldn't have the impact.
Through a Child's Eyes
The crowd was growing by the second, filling every inch of the square. There was a buzz of excitement as we waited for our speaker, our leader who promised us the world and had delivered. A huge roar erupted, such was the force, my ear drums could bleed but I didn’t care as I sat on my dad’s shoulders. I was a part of history. I stared in wonder as the crowd hushed and hung on to his every word.
 ‘His speeches of empowerment, victory and pride give patriotism a new name’ said my dad. ‘He oozes charisma, motivating us all to be better people for our country.’  I wanted to be a better person, I wanted to please. Most of all I liked that my daddy was home again and smiling.  But I wasn’t sure of the man getting so excited that he shouted and stared madly into the crowd. However, I couldn’t help but get swept along with all the euphoria he created; our leader of the Fatherland and now the world, although I couldn’t stop thinking that Adolf Hitler was a pretty small man to rule the whole world.   



  1. Like I can write 'hard hitting'! I was pulled right into the crowd with them, and I loved your last line, brilliant!

    1. I wanted to do a kind of what if . . . from a part of history and ended here. I had to write it from a child's pov as I felt quite uncomfortable writing it and children are so innocent; made it easier. x

  2. Beautifully written, surprised by the 'reveal' at the end :-)

    1. Thanks Lesley. It was a little tricky though. xx

  3. An incredibly dramatic piece, Lizzie. I love the shock twist, but yet you've captured so perfectly what thousands must have thought at the time!

    1. Yay. Pleased to hear that. It was difficult to write once I had the idea. xx

  4. Fabulous piece, Lizzie, with a shock twist at the end. You've described the crowd scene so well, I could almost picture myself being there and getting caught up in the fervour of it all. Brilliantly written. xx
