Friday 3 August 2012

Blue is the Colour #BlogFlash2012

Day 3 of the jump-on-board-for-blogflash2012-30-days-30-prompts-30-posts/ coutesey of Terri Giuliano Long. Pop along to her page The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively for wonderful tips and advice on writing and for reading the entries from wonderful writers. Today is Colour .

 I have been stumped. My first piece was deleted because Hubby didn't like so I have been thinking extremely hard and then I thought back to a wonderful time back in May when I should have blogged about it but didn't. So here is my take on colour when a certain part of London was filled with this colour and I was so proud, happy and over the moon! xxx


Day 3 Colour

'Blue is the colour!' And it certainly was in a certain part of London on 20th May when Chelsea paraded not only the FA Cup but the Champions League Cup too. We reign supreme in Europe and made history as it was our first win!

The parade was awesome! The noise of the crowd cheering was amazingly loud! The atmosphere was electric and the air filled with songs, cheers and celery! Yes Chelsea supporters do like their celery- not to eat you understand but to throw.

I got this fab pic of Luiz

I love blue. But the Royal blue worn by Chelsea is my favourite.

Love my Football team.

100 words (captions not included in word count)


  1. This is terrific!! I love all the little details (throwing celery?!) and the passion on your writing voice!! Wonderful!!!!!!! :)

    1. Thank you. I was a tad disappointed with the deleted one not being good enough (my hubby said it wasn't original). But glad I thought of this. The celery is rathe rstrange and only related to this football team. xxx

  2. Wait. People in England throw celery?
    My post for the day isn't nearly as interesting as yours.

    1. Your comments are justified? LOL I have no idea why my comment looks like that.

    2. Only some bonkers Chelsea fans throw celery as they sing a rather rude song. Yours is lovely! Happy Birthday to you. I already visited and commmented. Thank you for visiting and commenting on mine. xxxxxx

    3. Hmmm...okay, then. LOL That's a lovely color blue, though. ;-)

    4. it is. :-)) But I am biased. xx

  3. He he, I never got the throwing celery, but there are some strange traditions over here, like chasing a cheese down a big hill, or Morris Dancing...
    And, yes, this works because your passion for the team shines through!

    1. The celery is only limited to the bonkers Chelsea fans. it accompanies a rude song too. I am a bit passionate about my team and wish i had enough money to go and watch them play!. PS my mother does Morris dancing! xx

  4. Great post and some fab images as well.

    I saw some of Chelsea's victory in the Champions League.

    Didier Drogba, decisive penalty in the shoot-out, cool as you like, it's in the net. Fabulous.

    I'm a Barnsley FC fan so a huge gulf in quality between us. It's more pain than joy watching the Tykes I'm afraid but that's my home town so I can't support anyone else and wouldn't want to :)

    1. Chelsea is my hometown too; born and bred, going back generations. No choice other than supporting Chelsea but then I wouldn't want it any other way either. Not living there now (not loaded or famous) but still go back. Just love it. Drogba was awesome. I will miss the Big Man. Lets' hope Chelsea do not. x

  5. I love your post. The teen in my first novel actually plays soccer. Sadly I neglected to include any celery throwing in the book!

    1. Oh yes, I should have mentioned the American anme for footie in my piece. No worries about the celery. . it's only for this one footie club. xxx

  6. Lovely blue, but I don't know a thing about celery tossing. Looks like fun.

    1. Lol; all I know is I never got hit by any celery and it really did smell. xxx

  7. The pride you feel for your team comes through wonderfully and what beautiful photos!

    1. Thank you. It was an amazing experience. xxx

  8. Sorry I can't share your enthusiasm for the Blue's (Spurs loyalty :-)

    Really enjoyed your post, though, and the great celery debate!

    You should post the deleted post anyway x.

    1. Ooh, ouch! Sorry about that (us winning and all as it knocked you/Spurs out of the competition for this coming season . . oops). But understand your loyalty totally!That's what makes football such a good spectator sport!
      The deleted post has gone; deleted everywhere . . may rewrite with some changes. I do have a folder called 'Blogs that didn't make it' but the deleted one never even made that. xx
