Tuesday 22 May 2012

5 Sentence Fiction Foggy

Well, this is short! When I saw the prompt, all I could think about was my Highway Man which fits perfectly. But been there, done that so had to rethink and took a different angle of ‘foggy’ altogether . . . Must be the time of year! xxxx  

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week I will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.
So here is my attempt at Foggy.

Everyone said it was going to be fine.
 Everyone said just relax and don’t worry about it.
Easy for them to say.  
It wasn’t their mind that was now thick with a dense fog that hung heavily; every gap where a spark of thought started to form was soon swamped that I could no longer see any way forward, as beads of sweat appeared on my brow.  
And I had just sat down at the all too familiar table for my life changing exam . . .  


  1. I love the view of foggy that you have written from!!! The all too familiar 'mind goes blank'. And yes, very appropriate for this time of year. It makes me feel so sorry for people in this situation (namely my son). I do love this one Mrs. K. xxxx

    1. Thank you chicken. You always have a kind, supportive word to say for my writing. I should reward you really with that email I keep promising you . . .Hope all goes well for your son and let's hope he doesn't have to deal with this situation. xxxx

  2. I did check my emails and found nothing from you lol. As for my son, that situation happened for him last Thursday. His mind went blank. Thinks he did rubbish but hopefully he is wrong. Haven't got the results yet. And you are welcome for the comment. I say what comes into my head. I speak the truth. xxxx

    1. Thanks chick. I'm sure Chris did ok. Positive thoughts. Exams always make you feel awful. xxx

  3. I hope that doesn't happen to me in 2 weeks! Best start that thing called revision!!!
    Very good idea for foggy xxx

    1. Thanks chick. I'm sure you'll be fine; sunny garden + weekend = revision and suntan. ;-) x

  4. I completely understand this feeling! I've always panicked when it comes to exams.

    1. Me too. The pressure to show all that you know in an hour or 2 is just too much! Thank you for reading and commenting. xxx

  5. Well captured! I remember it well. Even worse when you know you know the stuff, you just don't seem to be able to unlock it from your brain.

    1. Exactly. And you can't unlock it because of the false situation you're in.Nightmare! Thanks for reading and taking time to comment. xx

  6. Love the pic! Great super short story! www.LinsFood.com

  7. The pic came as the prompt. Funny what comes into your mind froma a pic. Thank you for reading and liking. xx

  8. Oh, that's a place I've been more often that I would've liked :) The most irritating silence of my mind just when I need it... Awesome job!!!

    1. Thank you! That means a lot, coming from you! xxxx
