Yay!! My second entry in as many weeks has only gone and won. I entered The Mid-Week-Blues-Buster over at The Tsuruoka Files, hosted by Jeff Tsuruoka to a wonderful song called Eireann by The Afro Celt Sound System, available on Youtube . Some of my story was based on fact, the rest, a wispy dream in another time . . . . .if you want to read the story, then click the link: http://40somethingundomesticateddevil.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/mwbb-25-afro-celt-song-by-eireann.html. Here's what judge Stephanie Fuller over at thebookhipster.com said:
1st place – @Lizzie_Loodles – Lizzie Koch
Yours was by far my favorite! I had goosebumps at the end! My first read took me a few seconds to register the “daydream” part, but once I realized what was happening, I was drawn like a moth to a flame. My kind of story! Great job, Lizzie!
Well, would you Adam and eve it! My first attempt at Monday Mixer over at The Latinum Vault by Jeff Hollar has gone and got me an Honorable Mention!(Awarded on 8th August 2013). I am still in shock as the entries are amazing and it is a challenge to use words I've never heard of let alone know the meaning of. If you want to read my entry then please click the link: Monday-Mixer-An Apple A day. There's no badge but the comment is amazing!! Here's what Jeff said about my entry (and he's right abut the penultimate sentence. . I needed more words!!).
Lizzie Koch for her story An Apple A Day. This is a first-time contribution from Lizzie and a very nice one at that. Five prompt words found their way into this tale of magic and evil intent and they fit together very well. Evil kings and witches don't always see eye to eye it seems. The penultimate sentence of the story I think was a bit too long and rushed the story towards a bit too abrupt an ending though. With this as an example of what I might expect to see in future, I suspect Lizzie will be a very strong contender for higher honors in future.
Well, after weeks of writing for Rebekah Postupak's FlashFriday, I finally got an Honorable Mention (HM) by this week's judge Kinza-Carpenter-Shores for my story Extraction which can be read here. Here's Kinza's judgement awarded on Sunday August 4th 2013 for week 35 on Friday August 2nd 2013.
Lizzie Koch, “Extraction.” I loved how she managed to come up with an interesting, coherent piece (including fairies!) from a picture of the men sitting around some old machinery. I was really surprised and appalled by the absent way the man murdered the fairy; the horror stayed with me much longer than it would have if I’d known what he was doing before it happened.
There's no badge but this comment and the HM is amazing after weeks of waiting. The next challenge is to maintain this or even do better. . . .that is a big challenge as there are very talented writers on this flash. For their stories, please click here. xxx
Awarded on Friday 12th July for ThursdayThreads by Siobhan Muir over at The Weird, The Wild and The Wicked for 2I'll See You There Darling #78. The judge, S J Maylee said:
"I really enjoyed the start of this flash. The memories and emotions are right up front. Then,it all changes. There was nothing I could do, but read to the sad end. Powerfully sad."
Awarded Friday 5th July 2013 for Thursday threads #77 by Siobhan Muir. The prompt was Find A Warm Body and you can find the story here; http://40somethingundomesticateddevil.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/thursday-threads-77-find-warm-body.html and this is what judge Doris O' Connor said. . . .
“She gave me shivers with her atmospheric piece, and the
surprise ending was a definite bonus. She packed a lot of emotion into such a
short piece of writing.”
Awarded Friday 14th June 2013 for 'Not Even A little One' which can be read here Thursday Threads Not even A little One by Me, Lizzie at 40 Something Undomesticated Devil. Thanks to Siobhan Muir over at The Weird, the Wild and the Wicked and the lovely Purple Queen herself, Miranda Kate for judging. here is what she said:
Miranda says: As an over spender myself, I know that little voice well, and ignoring it is an artform! LOL I also liked the flow of this piece, clear and concise.
Awarded Friday 3rd May 2013 for 'You have got to be kidding me' which you can read here Thursday Threads You Have Got to Be Kidding Me by https://www.facebook.com/scott.roahrig who was jusdging for Siobhan Muir over at The Weird, The Wild and The Wicked
Here's what he said
Scott says: I really liked your story. I'm divorced now, but I get the whole joy of the in-laws thing. Also being a firefighter and hearing some of the stories the cops have, it made me laugh to hear about the flirting girl. You'd be surprised what people will do!
Awarded on Friday 19th April 2013 by http://siobhanmuir.blogspot.co.uk/ over at The Weird, the Wild and the Wicked. For story, click on this link thursday-threads-its-standard-procedure The Scent of Life. Judge Miranda Kate said: xx
Miranda says: This was a nice tight piece, with great atmosphere. There was a sense of 'is he catching someone, or is he the predator', so the ending wasn't a surprise, but I liked it.
For the story, click zombie-run
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2nd place for my take on Forbidden love!!! 300 word max flash fiction. |
Awarded on 22 June 2012 by those lovely writers Lillie McFerrin, Ruth Long (Bullishink) and Janelle. Thank you so much for the vote, the opportunity, inspiration and for loving my piece. xxxx
For reading the 2nd place entry, click here or visit my writing page of the blog where you will see more flash fiction. xxx
Awarded May 2012 by BullishInk, the fab Ruth Long
Awarded April 2012 by The Fabulous Mom's Guide AKA Zena- Marie
Well done lizzie loodles, for your imaginative, brilliant writing xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you!! :-))) x