Tuesday 15 May 2012

5 Sentence Fiction Sombrero

After missing a few 5 sentence fictions and blogs, it's good to be back writing again. I enjoyed writing this and it is a short one; which is a first! xxx

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week I will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.

This week: SOMBRERO

It had been going so well; with determination and ease, the task was getting smaller and the future brighter. Until that darn sombrero! She never wanted to buy it knowing it would be ridiculously awkward to carry, unless of course she wore it.
Like that was going to happen!
But now her fingers lingered on the frayed straw brim as she remembered that night; the proposal, the ring and the promise of a beautiful future even if she had ended up wearing the sombrero but then when you’re in love, you do the most silly things.  
But he had made his choice; that was clear and the sombrero was thrust into the bin liner without another thought.


  1. Ohhhhhhhh.....I like the surprise ending. He made the wrong choice, it's his loss. That's my opinion anyway. She would have worn that darn sombrero as she was so in love. I like this one Mrs. Koch!!!! Short and sweet but still just as good.xx

    1. Just seen your like on FB so thought I'd check it out here and there you are. :-)).
      I'm glad you like. I think less is more with this one. Thank you for enjoying and of course commenting so enthusiastically. xxxx

  2. I want more please! I just know that you have already thought of more to this story. Xxx

  3. Love the bittersweet ending after the loving start. Welcome back!

    1. It's good to be back. Thank you for commenting/reading and most of all liking it. xxxx

  4. Best place for that sombrero. And the man. Maybe she can get on with the task of clearing things out now, especially her memories of the man. Good one.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you liked! And thank you for visitng/reading and commenting. XXX

  5. You grabbed me right away -- and I loved the ending. Good riddance to both!

    1. Yay! Thanks for taking the time in stopping by and liking. XX

  6. Great story line! I love the romantic fluff in the beginning and the suprise ending! Nice work.

    1. Aw, thank you. I don't often do romantic fluff so it's ncie when peeps like. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment. xx

  7. ... in the bin, where it belongs! Next step, a mental spring-cleaning to rid herself of the memories...
    Good one!
    I'm visiting from Five Sentence Fiction. Nice to meet you. *waves*


    1. Nice to meet you too! And 'waves' to you too! Thanks for visiting and commenting. xx

  8. Oh, loved it! It's not easy to tell an interesting tale in just 5 sentences--well, at least not for me because my biggest fault as a writer is being too wordy. So I always admire when someone can craft a succinct, well-told tale. Great job! :D

    1. Thank you so much. I too am the Queen of Waffle and surprise myself in how I manage to write a story in only 5 senetences. However my son takes one look and says '5 sentences! That's not five sentences! That's a page!' As usually they're longer!

  9. Nice use of the sombrero to represent the path not taken. I liked this one a lot! (Thanks for reading mine, by the way -- I appreciate the comment)

    1. Thank you for visiting and taking time to read and comment. I appreciate it too. Loving this 5 sentence fiction! xx

  10. I am not good at condensing posts, but this is great! My "signature" is run-on sentences and made up words. Maybe I should practice some of these!

    1. Thank you. Glad you like. I usually waffle. If it can be said in 2 words, I use 20 lol. I started doing these as a challenge and I really enjoy it. It does get you thinking and creates new ideas for that bigger story.xxx
