Saturday 1 August 2015

Darth Vader, Batman, Pants in Topman #Six word Sat

Darth Vader, Batman, Pants in Topman

On a rare shopping trip, the teenage son asked if I would buy him some pants. It’s my job apparently to buy the boring essential bits such as pants and socks. I wonder when this will stop being my job? When he hits 20? 30? Leaves home? When he moves in with a girlfriend where I will pass the pants baton on to her?

He said Calvin Klein. I can’t repeat what I said. But ended it with Primark. He came back with Topman.

So I’m in Topman, looking at the packs of pants, all bright colours, wondering what ones to choose, when I overhear this:
“Who would win a fight between Batman and Darth Vader?”
The price of the pants forgotten, I pick up two packs and go to the counter where I say:
“Batman.” I would have loved to have said it in a Batman voice!
Not to scale but you get the picture

It seemed to be the general consensus that Batman would annihilate Darth Vader.
Then came Superman v Batman which my son had explained to me the night before when I asked; “But why are they fighting each other when they’re both supposed to be on the same side?” So I was well up on the ins and outs of the superheroes from DC Comics.

Then, Thor came into the conversation (that might have been my fault) as he is my favourite superhero played superbly by Chris Hemsworth). I know, I know, he’s from Marvel Comics (which I did mention so not to look a complete doofus whilst trying to hold my own and impress the young men of Topman).  All this whilst I was paying for two packs of pants.
Cute little Thor but no Chris Hemsworh

It was agreed that whilst both Superman and Thor are Gods, Thor would win as Superman is a bit ‘prissy’ (although Henry Cavill makes Superman rather appealing).

I was so distracted by the conversation, it hadn’t really registered until I got home that I’d spent 30 quid, yes 30 quid! on six pairs pants. (Why do we say a pair of pants, a pair of knickers, a pair of trousers when they’re obviously not pairs????)

That could possibly be the last time I buy my son the boring essentials which he probably won’t agree with but he agrees with me that Batman would whoop Darth Vader’s butt (read awesome mother son conversation here).


  1. It's funny, the debates & conversations we get drawn into, eh? I had one recently, too; will consider sharing. Thanks.

    1. I love random conversations and debates. Looking forward to your share. x

  2. That's funny! My son is 26, I am buying him a car today (he's paying 30% I'm paying 70%). I would much rather by the Calvins and I'm hoping this is the end!

  3. Replies
    1. Haha, makes it easier when departing with the cash! x

  4. too funny! Your son should have been with you to put in his opinion!

    1. I'd still be there now but I did share with him and he agreed that Batman would win. :-) x

  5. There I was, envisioning Darth and Batman on the underpants! CK much more boring. :) I too am entrusted to buying boxers, but not the more visible outerwear (mine's 25!)

    1. Very true. I'm only allowed to buy socks and pants (of the boxer variety) but I can give him money towards the outerwear. x

  6. Ha perhaps a pair of Calvin's would have been cheaper but not as entertaining! We just enjoyed a similarly awesome mother/ son chat on the back of this. First time he surprised me by not choosing Darth Vader... Lol x

    1. Aw, that's so cute, Charley. Superheroes seems to be the way to go to engage with our sons. x

  7. My son is 19, and although I still buy the clothes, I could not have this type of conversation. I don't keep up with Superheros of any kind. πŸ˜‰

    1. I only keep up because of the hunky actors they get to play the superheroes. :-) x

  8. My son is 19, and although I still buy the clothes, I could not have this type of conversation. I don't keep up with Superheros of any kind. πŸ˜‰

  9. My son is 19, and although I still buy the clothes, I could not have this type of conversation. I don't keep up with Superheros of any kind. πŸ˜‰

  10. £30??? Good grief! I am impressed with your superhero knowledge. :)

    1. Thank you. My knowledge is from listening to my hubby and son and watching the awesome movies (and only due to hot actors like Chris Hemsworth as Thor). x

  11. LOL I'm not sure how much you spent, but...He has pants! And memories of a fun, interesting conversation!

    1. I don't like to think about the cost of buying underwear. It's too annoying. But yay to fun and he does actually love the boxers. x
