Saturday 4 August 2012

Busy, Busy Me

Here is another offering of fluff in true Undomesticated Devil style for Day 4 of the #BlogFlash2012 challenge. Today's word: Busy. 
Busy, Busy Me

There is only so much time in the day. Choices have to be made. Last week the sun was shining. After months of rain, it was a welcome sight. Decisions, decisions:

·         1: Housework or sit in the sun with a good book? Mmm.

·         2: Which good book to read whilst sitting out in the sun . . . oh and magazines!

·         3: I should really think about preparing dinner but the sun . . .   

A finished couple of books later and a tan just shows how busy one can be on sunny days. Housework can wait for the impending rain.


A must for sunny days in the garden!


Day 4 of the jump-on-board-for-blogflash2012-30-days-30-prompts-30-posts/ coutesey of Terri Giuliano Long. Pop along to her page The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively for wonderful tips and advice on writing and for reading the entries from wonderful writers.


  1. I share your dilemma. I've had to drag myself to work in the last couple of weeks. Thank goodness the summer evenings are so glorious. Long may they last.

    Oh, and I can be very busy reading a magazine x.

    1. I know; it can take a good few hours to read a magazine! Lucky at mo as off for school summer hols but wishing for more sun! I loved your piece btw. xxx

  2. Bwahaha, it hardly rains in Texas and you should see the state of MY house Lizzie!

  3. Hell yes... It can all wait.. I told my husband I was not cleaning the house again before October, when it may cool off a little..xx

    1. I've just read your comment to my Hubby; he shook his head in disbelief. . . but you have a wonderful excuse. The temps out there are just too hot!!! Good for you! xxx

  4. That sounds like a fantastic way to take advantage of the sunshine!

    1. Indeed. . and now the sunshine has gone! Not good!! x

  5. Love, love, love this one!! Housework will always loose to reading!! xo
