Thursday 2 August 2012

#BlogFlash Day 2 A Furry Friend


Day two of the jump-on-board-for-blogflash2012-30-days-30-prompts-30-posts/ coutesey of Terri Giuliano Long. Pop along to her page The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively for wonderful tips and advice on writing and for reading the entries from wonderful writers. Today is A Furry Friend and for those of you who know me, I love my furry friend Indi, my gorgeous cat!

How could I possibly do anything else other than think and write about my Indi! So here goes and for those cat lovers out there, I'm sure you wonder about this too. xxx
The Dead Of Night

Where do you go in the dead of night while we soundly sleep? Nothing but stars accompanies you. Silently, you tread with padded paws, eyes as wide and bright as the moon, seeking out adventure. A rustle in the undergrowth needs your attention. Swiftly you pounce! You are more lion than cat in the dead of night; your territory, your wilderness, your playground. Come the morning you have plenty of tales to tell. If only you could. And I am left wondering.  

But thank you for thinking of me; the mouse gift is . . . . . no really you shouldn’t have.  


Now for some cute pics of Indi! He definitely lives up to his adventurous namesake Indiana Jones; when he's not sleeping of course. x

If you enjoyed this, you may like to read It's My Job! I'm a Cat!, one of the first blogs I did which is about Don Indi . . . .and more recently Back Off Kitty again about Indi and his cheekiness!

Me xxx


  1. I often thought what fun it would be to have a mini camera on one of mine to see what adventures ensue..

    Yuk to the mouse... I get frogs and very large grass hoppers..xx

    1. A mini camera would be cute! I wouldn't be able to cope with a frog or grass hoppers. Indi has brought in a frog and Hubby rescued it. I can't even cope with the mice!! xx

  2. Were you at my house last night? Our lovely cats left us not only a mouse, but a vole too...very generous with their gifts! The live slow worm a while ago was fun...
    We have one cat that lives to eat and sleep and barely goes out, but the other is an avid hunter and doesn't come home til she's good and ready! Great piece today Lizzie!

    1. A vole! Pussy cats are just incredible aren't they? Not sure I could cope with the slow worm . . . I'm such a wuss! xx

  3. What a great post. My husband and I have two cats who love to torture the mice, eventually kill them then bring them to me as a present. It's like, "Look mom, what I did!" LOL!

    1. It's exactly like that! Glad you liked. I try not to use the word torture (even though thats what they do) as they are just doing what their cousins do in Africa. xxx

  4. So pleased I followed your link from Twitter. Lovely story, and what a super blog hop x.

    1. Thank you! Good to know that posting to Twitter works too. Glad you liked. xx

  5. What an excellent and visible piece!! Loved it!

  6. Oh! I LOVE this! So cute and your pics are great! It actually reminds me of a dog we had when I was young. He would catch rats and bring them to us. The cats caught fruit beetles, torturing them with play until the end.

    1. Sounds like a cat; 'playing' until the end. . .! A rat! Yikes!!! It's amzing what our furry friends bring us! Glad you liked. xx

  7. He is such character & sooo cute, love it. Indy definitely loves his mousing at night! Xxx

    1. He does indeed. Getting a bit too good at it. xx

  8. This is so much fun to read!! I've had it open all day and scrolled through the words and pictures several times!! The way you wrote it is such a delight!! Oh, I wish I could reach through the screen and pet him!! I had a kitty that would leave dead animals on my pillow while I slept, so that closing line had me laughing over and over again!!!

    WONDERFUL!! xo

    1. What a gorgeous comment! Thank you. Indi does like a good 'pet'. I can't believe you would wake up to dead critters on your pillow. I would have a heart attack!!

  9. These are such lovely pictures! I can tell Indi has a great personality!

    1. Thank you. He does have a wicked personality. He is rather bonkers. I loved writing about him so thanks for the opportunity. xx

  10. Indi looks like one cool cat :)

    Thanks for the images.

    One of our cats, Kain, brought a mouse home the other day. I know the routine now. Praise him and thank him, usher him out of sight, then throw the unfortunate mouse in the nearest bin!

    Jerry may have outsmarted Tom constantly but he wouldn't have Kain!

    1. I do feel for Tom! He always suffered at the hands of that mouse. Maybe this is our cats revenge on that pesky Jerry. . . .

  11. Indi just wants to see if you will cook the mouse with his breakfast. He thought it sounds good when he saw the mouse running in front of him. Just be thankful they have not brought you a dead snake yet.

    Bunny's Review

    1. A dead snake! Yikes!!!! I think we're lucky here not to have any; Adders and slow worms over the forest but that's it. I've visited and commented on yours. xx Thank you stopping by and reading. xx

  12. My cat once brought me a bird. It was still alive and he let it loose in the livingroom. Oh happy day.

    1. Oh no! Lucky bird though. I saw a pic on Facebook of a bird in a house then I saw my son posted it and then I saw it was my house! Lucky Son came home first; taking pic then letting it out! Gotta love those moggies! Bet the cats were going potty with a bird lose in the house they couldn't catch! xx

  13. Ah, gotta love the little gifts pets leave behind. :)

    1. Mmm; rather he figured out how to leave me some chocolate! xx
