Sunday 22 July 2012

Scarlet 5 Sentence Fiction

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.
This week: Scarlet

And there she was, sitting alone beside the river; her full, plump lips as red as the blood coursing through her veins, causing a stir of desire to erupt deep within him.  The journey to find her, the one, didn’t take long despite the throng of people going about their business, not noticing Louie as he glided through until he sat next to her, the opportunity of his find over whelming him.

Her smell was intoxicating, her skin pearlescent with beads of sweat from the Louisiana heat and when her eyes met his, he knew she was his; dark pools of emptiness and despair waiting to be rescued and he felt obliged, as well as excited, to do his bidding.

The music became louder, an underlying throbbing beat, matching his heart and hers as they became one; sinking his teeth into her slender neck and drinking until her body became limp; he had had his fill.


  1. Oooer Mrs! Hot, hot, hot. More please!

    Joy xx

    1. It is ratehr isn't it? Glad youliked. xxx

  2. I was going to make exactly the same comment as

    These vampires are everywhere.. Wasn't expecting it so cool..xx

  3. I was going to say exactly the same..

    Wasn't expecting him to be a vampire tho..

    Out of curiousity.. Why do you have Tom Cruise in the labels? Is he a vampire?

    Loved it..x

    1. It is Tom Cruise. He played the Vampire Lestat in Anne Rice's book made to movie 'Interview with a Vampire'. You should watch as Brad Pitt plays Louie. Gorgeous film and wonderful read.
      Pleased you liked. Thanks for visitng and taking time to comment. xxx

  4. Your imagery here builds the tension of the hunt and final kill beautifully! Excellent, Elisabeth!

  5.!!!! Repeating everyone else's comments, hot hot hot!!!! Very intense. Beats 50 shades by a squillion!!! And I haven't even read 50 shades. Love this. Awesome imagination Mrs.xxxx

    1. Thank you chicken. I am reading 50 shades at present. . . maybe it's influenced me?? Seriouly, the influence here was Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice. WOnderful series of books and the film is brilliant. xx

  6. Oooh a pretty hot interview! Definitely partial to Lestat in the movie! The Louisiana heat and surroundings really did build this one. Great Lizzie!

    1. Yay!!! I knew someone out there would reconise the picture and the references to Interview with A Vampire. Thank you. xxx

  7. I agree with Bekah! Lovely first sentence drawing us in...and his obligation to kill! Very hot!

    1. Ooh thank you Lisa. I don't think I've written i this style before; it was kinda fun ;-). Glad you liked my friend. xxx

  8. 'Dark pools of despair' - nice line. Well done.

    1. Thank you. I wanted to create a 'victim' that was already lost seeing as Louie has a thing about killing for his food. xxx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ooh...I did NOT see that coming. I may need to keep my hands firmly and safely around my own neck tonight!

    1. Ha ha. :-)) I think louie only goes for the lost souls. Thanks for reading chick. xxx

  11. Ooooh, I love the description of "pearlescent skin"... and I didn't expect the hot-blooded Louie to be the blood-thirsty guy that he's turned out to be... LOL!

    (Not sure what happened to the first comment? Maybe it was swallowed by spammer...?)

    1. This is the only comment I can see /have seen from you. I'm glad you liked!! :-) xx

  12. Wicked good descriptions throughout the marvelous buildup!! Nicely done :)

    1. Thank you Lillie. It was a good chocie of word prompt once I got past Gone With The Wind. xx
