Saturday 7 July 2012

Sunshine Award! Yay!!

Thank you to  Afsaneh K (Dreaming of Stories) for awarding this beautiful sunshine award! I need a bit of sunshine (like the rest of the country) and this is perfect right now.
Here are the rules:
1. Include the award logo in a post or on your blog.
2. Tell 10 things about yourself.
3. Nominate 10 other fabulous bloggers.
4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog letting them know they are nominated.
5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.
Ok, so ten things about myself. Mmm. Tricky! Some maybe already known and not a surprise but hopefully there’s one or two that will make you smile. And exclaim ‘ooh, I never knew that!’
1: I absolutely hate losing! I can’t help it. All that time and effort and then boom! My heart sinks. Hate that feeling.
2:  I passed my driving test first time! Yay!!! And in London. The saying goes that once you drive in London, you can drive anywhere! Well I have driven across and around most of the country!
3: Whilst in Cornwall, my friend lost the person we were meant to be staying with and we didn’t know where they lived so we had to sleep in my car all night.
4: I met footballing legend George Best along the Fulham Road when I was a teen and he winked and smiled at me! Just too cute!!

George Best

4: I’ve never had any broken bones.
5: I thought (up until recently) that the Dead Sea and the Red Sea were one and the same! Yes, I can be a bit of a dumb arse.
6: I can’t prepare a whole chicken or turkey as I hate the feel of it. When I had to, I wore rubber gloves and I still didn’t like it!
7: Jelly Beans are my favourite sweet, followed by Tutti Fruttis and Fruit Pastilles.
8: I don’t wear makeup unless I’m going out, out.
9: Michael Caine is my favourite actor of all time! (Marilyn Monroe is my favourite actress, icon, celebrity).

Sir Michael Caine
Marilyn Monroe


10: I don’t own a hair dryer.
So now to share with some wonderfully gorgeous and talented peeps of which ten is nowhere near enough!!!!
Apologies if you already have received this award; hopefully twice as nice. xxx

Love Me

PS. Have just seen that the lovely Zena_Marie of the Fabulous Moms Guide has also given me the award. Big apologies for not seeing earlier and huge thank you for thinking of me in the first place! xxxxx


  1. Congratulations on your award, Lizzie, and thank you so very much for honoring me with one! A sunshine-themed award is especially appreciated today, so this comes at a wonderful time. :)

    I enjoyed reading about you. I hope you never do break any bones…and I’m amazed you don’t have a hairdryer. I also get very “eeky” about handling whole chickens. :-o But I’ve learned that if I make them dance the way Julia Child did, it eases the angst a bit. LOL I also love Michael Caine (and what a fab picture you found of him when he was young and gorgeous!) and I have always adored Marilyn. As for makeup, I always wear it because I’m so pale and blank no one would see me if I didn’t have it on! ;-)


    1. We seem to have heaps in common which is a good reason for completing these 10 things when they come along! I quite like the turkey in Friends which ends up on Monica's head!I shall try and make mine dance and see how I get on. xxx

  2. Aww shucks, thanks for the award Elisabeth! How lovely of you! Congrats on yours.
    And I have also never broken any bones... Go us!!

    1. Woo hoo! Not that I'm wrapped in cotton wool lol. I like spreading the sunshine. xxxx

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! I'm truly honoured :))
    I've broken more bones than I can remember (I'm a bit of a clutze) and love Jelly Beans and Marilyn Munroe too :)

    What a lovely award to brighten up my day and this, coming from a blog that always brightens up my day too!
    Thank you x

    1. That's lovey, thank you. I try to make my blog entertaining lol. xxxx

  4. Some great facts Lizzie! Driving in London would scare me now...Did some in Brighton a while ago and so much more busy than I remembered, most of my driving is rural now, country roads don't worry me at all, but a busy city can reduce me to a wreck!
    Just noticed you nominated me too, thanks :)
