Friday 20 July 2012

Back off Kitty!

Here are some pics of my cat who seems to think the goodies from school are for him! He'd already attacked the necklace and the teddy, thinking them cat toys! Not this time Kitty. The generosity is over whelming and the hand made cards are cute.

If I sit here, she can't see me. . . . .
Just checking out the necklace. . . . .


 So a big thank you to friends, colleagues and parents and children for your gifts and cards which are gorgeous! I hope you liked your cupcake from me.  Just one thing remains; I hope you all have a wonderful summer. Oh and one other thing . . . . . .Back off Kitty! They're mine!



  1. So cute!!! Indy tried to get at my chocs too but no way. And now....all my chocs are gone except for one box which I saved to take to NY with me. Your cupcake is gone and almost all of Jade's that she gave me are gone. Nothing lasts in this house. I could have hidden them away I suppose. Kids and parents are very generous. I think I have done all my thank yous on fb now. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. xxx

    1. They are very generous! I haven't started on mine yet but keeping Hubby and son away from it is getting more difficult! The two Indy's are just so cute!!!

  2. Your kitty looks just like my Mason. They could be twins! And what a lovely acknowledgement of how much you're appreciated.

    1. I know. The generosity is amazing. And what a cute name for a cat; Mason. love it. xxx

  3. Hello, third one down and only one to go yeah! I got there eventually! Your display reminds me of something from a cracker jack display, oops! showing my age there and I supose yours too! I also had some lovely gifts from the boy I work with which was so thoughtful.
