Wednesday 3 July 2013

Five Sentence Fiction View (Part 4 Zoe)


Zoe leant out over the balcony, absorbing the breathtaking scenery, the sweet fresh air and the welcome silence. It was hard to believe something so beautiful, unspoilt and peaceful existed in Zoe’s world but here she was, relaxing in what could only be described as paradise.

The distant chimes of a church nestled in the mountains jerked her back to her reason for being here; it wasn’t some jolly holiday of cheese eating and wine tasting.

If only!

By the end of the chimes, Zoe had left her hotel room, clutch bag in hand, little black dress flowing gently in the cool breeze as she now had her eye on another view; the face from the photograph staring back at her from across the square. .  

This is part four of  a little story where I am fitting in the prompts for Five Sentence Fiction from So far, the prompts seem to be fitting in nicely with the plot of Zoe, a female assassin. I try to make each 5SF a stand alone tale but if you want to read the ones before it, then follow the links below and find out about Zoe's mission . . .. xxx


  1. Engrossing... definitely following Zoe (what a job! Travel, well paid?) :)

    1. Thank you Honore. Definitely well paid! But at a price . . . .xx

  2. Awesome... Love the way it all comes together...xx

    1. Yeah, I'm surprised that the 5SF seems to be working with this. Thanks Rosalind. xx

  3. Nice...I love the setting and the connection, it flows really well, and I'm keen to know more of this mission!

    1. Thanks Lisa. I shall try and reveal a little snippet in the next installment. xx

  4. Yay!! Another part to the bigger picture. I love how all this is developing. I just love Zoe.

  5. Lizzie, I recall the one segment I enjoyed so much but just read all the links. Engrossing story and hard to believe it is only five sentences each time. I didn't comment on all because I immediately jumped to the next part. I have the attention spam of a gnat so bravo!
