Monday 11 March 2013

#BlogFlash 2013 Day 7 Nature

Oops, missed a few. Last week was far too long and busy. now back to normal this week so will try and keep up. Here's my thought on Nature. xxxx 
Photo By Lizzie Koch

We like to think we’re the masters of the world with all our technology, money and power. But even this is not enough to protect us from the elements. Severe flooding and snow storms have battered Britain these past few months and at present we are in the midst of a blizzard where schools are closed, roads blocked and cars abandoned.
The weather is a force of nature we cannot control. It’s not a force of nature we can accurately predict despite the millions of pounds of technology. The weather shows how insignificant we really are.


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  1. Very good reminder about our ultimate powerlessness and insignificance when compared to nature, which destroys as easily as it creates.

  2. Yep, in the general scheme of things, we're insignificant when it comes to things we cannot control. Nature humbles us at every turn.

  3. Isn't the weather bizarre at the moment? Best we can do is stay warm and safe and wait for the Mother Nature to smile on us.

    1. I wish she'd hurry up; seems like it's been winter for years. xx

  4. Great post. Yes, Mother Nature is far more powerful than we are. No matter how advanced we become, nature always has a way of being superior

    1. Thank you. I like that nature wakes us and shakes us. xx

  5. My assistant - Donna Brown - is in the UK and mentioned the snow. Hope you were both able to keep warm and safe from the elements!
