Tuesday 5 March 2013

#Blogflash 2013 Day 3 Innocence

Standing outside the newsagents, Cameron knew now was the time to prove himself. He walked in, palms sweating, adrenaline pumping through his body.  He looked to Josh, hoping he had changed his mind but Josh’s eyes glared, willing him on. With one swipe, Cameron had a bag of sweets in his grasp and he turned, walking quickly, head down towards the exit, dreading a heavy hand on his shoulder. He clenched his eyes shut, not breathing.  . . .
“It wasn’t so hard was it?” Cameron beamed at his idol, knowing he’d take a greater risk for Josh next time.

97 words

Day 3, Innocence. For more flash go to terriglong.com/blog/2013/03/blogflash2013-day-three-innocence/.  


  • Starts March 1st, ends March 29.
  • Write a 50-100 word post for each daily prompt on your own blog during March (weekdays only).
  • Your post can be factual or fictional, prose or poetry, anecdotal or otherwise!
  • Come back during each day of March to leave a comment on that day’s post with your own link.
  • Try and visit 5 blogs a day if you can and see how other people used the prompts!


  1. Innocence lost. I wonder if Cameron regrets his actions?

    1. I feel that first step is the hardest and once done, it's the slippery road. . . xx

  2. OH, Lizzie!! This is a terrific use of the prompt!! So unexpected and poignant!! :)

    1. Thank you Ruth. I feel peer pressure has a lot to answer for. xx

  3. Ooh, you're right it's the first step off the ledge. If kids never take it they are so much better off, but parents aren't always there and just have to hope that they taught them well.

  4. So clever the way you've used the prompt for this...

  5. An early form of lost innocence. Very well-crafted post.

  6. It's interesting how this is both a loss of innocence and a display of continued innocence, since Cameron intellectually knows what consequences might be, but hasn't experienced them. Good post!

    1. Thank you. I think until you experience consequences, they all seem unreal. xx

  7. lol I like the chosen names!!! It's such a common trap unfortunately that kids fall into. Hope Cameron will reconsider looking up to what he thinks is his idol/hero!!! I loved this one honey. Sorry it has taken me a while to reply. I can't seem to find them on your wall though so had to go to an old one to find it. xxxxx

    1. I'm glad you did find it chicken. Glad you liked it and the names lol. xxx
