Sunday 17 June 2012

Medicine- A Wretched Existence

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.

There were pills to get to sleep, pills to get up and go and pills to come down and so on in the vicious circle that could not be broken even if she wanted it to. There were so many bottles, it was alarming but they had all been prescribed so there was nothing to worry about; her manager had said as much as the Doctors knew what they were doing.
But this particular afternoon was hazy; cocktails started early as part of the working lunch but there was no food, or if there was, it went unnoticed as Ruby’s glass was never empty, her side never alone as she shone and worked her captivated audience.
Until she was in yet another hotel room that looked every inch like the rest, living out of a suitcase and unable to function without her meds; not wanting to function without them so were her insecurities, self loathing and desperation. 
Unable to remember what she had taken and when, Ruby gingerly fingered the small orange bottle that would send her off into a dreamless, empty sleep; not caring if she ever awoke because as long as her dreams were empty, she was at peace. . .


  1. I still don't know who MM is but I do like this and it isn't as sad as I expected. It is a bit like your other one about the celebrity. It is sad that someone is so desperate that they don't care if they never wake up. Another well-written piece of short fiction honey. Your pieces are always so descriptive so it is easy to picture in the mind and makes me want to know what will happen next.

  2. A vicious circle of dependence, co-dependence and hanger-ons. A good story, well told Lizzie.

  3. Well told; a situation that gets played out so often, but you really got into the thought processes there. Nice one.

  4. Shades of Whitney and Anna so many other young rock stars and entertainers. Too real. Too sad. You captured every amazing detail. Wonderful writing.

    1. I had been reading about Marilyn and it gave me the idea. Thank you. xxx

  5. Another great piece Lizzie, and like Jan said, my mind linked it with your celebrity 'lost' piece!

    1. I didn't think of that but I guess 'Cindy' was lucky in losing herself and Ruby unlucky losing herself another way. Maybe I should have used the same character/name? xxx

  6. Excellent! The perfect example of a confused and troubled soul, looking for comfort in the wrong places!

    1. Thank you Michelle; glad you liked. Sometimes those wrong places are the only sources of comfort which makes it even more hearbreaking. xxx

  7. This has a very realistic ring to makes me think of so many who overdose, searching for that perfect peace and comfort.

    1. It's very sad. :-(
      Thank you for your comment. xxx

  8. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well.. 春藥哪裡買
