Tuesday 10 April 2012

Five Sentence Ficiton- Tears

This one was tricky. Tears can be of joy, which are the best kind where your face is streaming and you have no idea in the end why as you realise you've peed your pants with so much laughter! Or tears can be of extreme sadness which is so deep and raw that in the end, you cry silent, dry tears because there's nothing left. I opted for the latter and after writing it, I feel extremely sad but such is the power of words.  

Love me. xxxx

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week I will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction. (http://lilliemcferrin.blogspot.co.uk/)

This week: Tears

Sally was over the moon as the tickets had arrived to see One Direction and she couldn’t wait to tell her best friend, Jess, as they should start planning what to wear immediately; the concert was three weeks away but there was no time to lose . . .   
‘I always seem to be knocking on peoples doors with bad news’ muttered Michael as he placed his cap firmly on his head, opened the garden gate and walked slowly up the well kept garden path; a kid’s bike sat neatly up against the wall.
This was going to be tough as childrens’ laughter rang through from the back garden, soon to turn to tears as an emptiness and sadness would consume them as soon as Michael set things in motion with one touch of the door bell.  
Never a good thing knocking on someone’s door; never a well done for anything; ‘driving so carefully so here’s an award’ would be nice or a ‘Yay, get this, we’ve found your stolen car and it’s not burnt out’ or ‘thanks to your neighbourhood watch scheme, we caught that burglar’ and then people might be happy to see a police officer on their door step. . .
Michael’s fingers reached slowly to the door bell as he took a deep breath, knowing his words would shatter their lives forever and all because a driver decided to drive whilst drunk, mounting the pavement and wiping out a teenager as she walked, clutching two concert tickets; her whole life ahead of her, gone in moments and it fell to Michael to break the news; the worst part of his ‘job’ by far but ever the professional . .  


  1. Oh so very sad Mrs. Koch. Not really much to say. Very deep. :-(

    1. I know chick; I'll follow with an up beat blog soon. It's the prompt word too; I couldn't think of anything powerful enough that was upbeat for tears even though I'm often crying with laughter with you chicken. xxxxx

  2. That was a sad one. It must be awful having to do that, and you captured the moment very well.

    1. Thank you for reading;tricky one this week . . . xxx

  3. You captured both sides so well - her hopes as she went off to plan with her girlfriend and the officer's heavy heart as he carried out his duty. Heartbreaking but so well done.

    1. Thank you. Means so much that you guys have visited/commented. Again, I used what I know to help with my writing, having been in a similar situation in delivering unwanted news . . Not nice. My Hubby doesn't like it. . say's I'm mean in killing off a teenage girl. :-((

  4. Sad but you can imagine the situation
