
Sunday 8 July 2012

Pirates Treasure Hunt


What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week Lillie will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.
 I’ve missed a few Five Sentence Fictions as other aspects of life have taken over. Shame on me for letting the writing side dip when it is so important to me! Anyway, who could resist this week’s prompt; Pirates! I’m now all at sea thinking of Jack Sparrow! And may have to watch him in action later. . . .

There was not an ounce of respite from the unforgiving sun as its rays beat down as the palm trees surrounding him stood motionless like soldiers on century duty. Their leaves teased Luke that they could give some shade but as he dug deep in the fine golden sands, his skin began to blister in the searing heat despite the bronzed glow he had from months at sea. Desperation took hold as the hole became so deep, Luke could not be seen; if he couldn’t find it . . . he would be digging his own grave.

“That’s a fine whole you’re a digging’ came the unmistakable voice Luke had feared; looking up, his fear confirmed as the Captain stared down through masses of black, matted hair matching the unruly beard.

With resolve disappearing fast, Luke swung the spade knowing it would be his last act on this earth but it resisted as it hit the sand, making an unmistakeable clunk; the Captain’s cracked face broke into a wicked smile showing teeth as black as his beard as he murmured ‘Lucky . . . . . for now Master Luke, lucky for now.’


  1. First of all, I love the name Luke . It is one of my favourite boys names so right away I was sucked in to this story. Second, although I am not a fan of any of the pirates films, I still read this piece of fiction because I know how awesome you are at writing. I love it. I can picture how horrible and wicked that captain is. And I can picture how gorgeous and humble Luke probably is. Well done for keeping my interest and making it easy to imagine the setting and know the characters without any pics to go with it!!

    1. I really struggled with the name and even now 'Luke' doesn't sound piratey enough. Glad you liked. xxx

  2. Grrr Argggg that's my pirate impression!
    Would like to know what happens to poor Luke, and your pirate sounds nasty, no Disney pirates here xxx

    1. Indeed, no Disneyfied Pirates at all. I may carry it on . . . . xx

  3. What's in the box? Now you're leaving us in suspense! Lovely piece(s of eight!)lol

    1. Ha ha, thank you for that little laugh. The box contains. . . . .now that will be telling ;-) xx

  4. Fun read. Nice story arc for such a tight write!

  5. Great stuff. Cramming rich characterisation in just five sentences is a tall order but you pull it off here. This deserves a fuller treatment.

    1. Ooh thank you! I may do something with it as it was rather enjoyable and I do tend to love my characters I create! xxx

  6. I agree with Jeff! I want to know more! Just how long will Luke's luck hold out?! Wonderful writing! :)

    1. Thank you. I'm sooo pleased you like my writing! I may use the idea in one of my stories . . not sure yet. . . XXX

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have the feeling that he is digging in the wrong spot. Oh no!


    1. Now that would be telling. . . . Thank you for stopping by. xxxx
