
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Love Bites: Anti Valentine Blog Hop 2014

February is here and with it comes the influx of red roses, declarations of lurve and schmaltz as well as inflated prices. Yes, February is Valentine's Day, the day of love and with that comes our second Love Bites Blog Hop.

This is your chance for revenge on Cupid.
Your chance to stick it to St Valentine.

The rules. Yes, even Anti Love needs rules to keep us all in check

1.  250-700 words
2.  Post to your blog
3.  Link your post to the Linky tool (between 4th and 11th February)
4.  Pimp/share/brag about your story on social net working sites.
5.  Pimp/share/brag about the Blog Hop to all who will listen.
6.  Judged by Ruth Long, Lisa Shambrook, Laura Jamez and Me, Lizzie Koch.
7.  Winner announced on that most lovey dovey day of the year, St Valentine's Day.

Prizes - oh yes we have prizes.

This year, all the stories entered will be turned into an eBook by the magic hands of Laura Jamez and Ruth Long for the viewing pleasure of 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed winners.

1st place is this rather gorgeous note book kindly offered by Lisa Shambrook. 
2nd and 3rd will receive two twig pencils. 

They are just too cute. I would love the notebook myself but as a judge, sadly, this will not happen.

So what are you waiting for? Get writing, plotting and give Cupid what for. xx


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