
Saturday 5 January 2013

#12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop

Here we are at day  12, the final day of the blog hop which has been such a lovely expereince. I am sorry I missed a few.


It was the moment Selene had been waiting for, she couldn’t have wished for a more perfect setting; the moon was in its full glory; a Wolf Moon shining on the night her splendour where the clouds were uninvited. The fresh fallen snow glistened like that on a Christmas card and all was peaceful, still. Her anticipation was fizzing. It was her third and final night in the mountains and something just had to happen. She sat patiently, not giving up for a second. A rustle nearby had Selene’s fingers twitching. It was just a rabbit. Her attitude made her smile; just a rabbit? That was her bread and butter a few months back. Now here she was at the top of her game bored at the sight of rabbits.
 Silence cracked as a lonely howl echoed through the mountains. Rigid and ready, Selene lay still, her finger poised. This was it. There was an air of excitement rippling through the trees. The light crunch of snow was so close. She held her breath and in the moonlight she saw the shining bright eyes of her quarry; the wolf.  The moon seemed to shine even brighter in Selene’s favour which didn’t surprise her.
The wolf padded closer and stopped as if to sense someone was watching him.  He stared right back at Selene but did not flinch, did not growl or snarl. He just stared with soft surrendering eyes. Selene didn’t move but placed her finger on the trigger. This was going to be her moment. For a split second, both were connected, eye to eye, under the full moon who watched the close encounter.
 Selene shot. . . .
The wolf stood fast as if posing and Selene feeling brave moved closer and continued to shoot this magnificent creature looking so regal in the moonlight.  Satisfied he had done enough, the wolf padded away and Selene pointed her camera to her namesake, the moon, in thanks as a lone wolf’s cry filled the silence once more.

Oops, 37 words over but I couldn’t cut and slice any more.
Foot notes
·         Selene was/is the Greek Goddess of the moon
·         Wolf Moon is the name given to January’s full moon by Native American tribes due to the howling packs of hungry wolves.
If you enjoyed this story, then take a look at the other entries on the last day of the 12 days of Christmas Blog Hop.


  1. Ohhhhhhh!!! I love this!!!! I have no words, just really beautiful and serene and peaceful but filled with excitement and waiting for the perfect moment to capture the wolf. What a way to end your 12 day chistmas writing honey!!!

    1. Yay!!! You were able to reply here. I have so missed your wonderful comments chicken. I'm so pleased you like. Your comment has made smile so much and want to write some more! xxxx

  2. Really liked this, what a perfect last tale - loved how she was shooting photos not bullets xx

    1. Thank you. I wasn't sure where it was going as I wrote as I had another idea too but glad I took this route. xx

  3. Great twist, I was starting to feel worried for the wolf! Loved it Liz!

    1. As if I'd kill off something fluffy even if it is a predator. Thanks Lisa; glad you liked this one. xx

  4. I was not expecting that twist! You had me worried for a second there, but I knew I could trust you! How generous of the wolf to pose for Selene--now that's a gift!

    Glad to have found you through this blog hop, Lizzie, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories in the coming weeks!

  5. I love animals and wouldn't dare kill one off in any writing. glad you liked and pleased to have found you too. woo hoo to more writing!!! xx
