
Friday 24 August 2012

Into The Woods Day 24

This is a continuation from day 13, Forest where Toby was faced with a tree of shoes. . . . .

Into the woods where you will find safety from the Ground Dwellers
Into The Woods
“The Ground Dwellers come.” Toby turned away from the shoe tree and looked up, seeing a rope bridge between two trees. Who could possibly use such a tiny bridge? As his eyes followed the bridge to the trunk he saw a small door and a tiny hand beckoning him to come. “Pick a pair of shoes. Quick”  
Homes of the Ground dwellers
“They will bring you up, save you from the Ground Dwellers. They approach. Quick!” Toby casually pulled at a pair of old boots.
He heard a continuous shrill.
Scrambling into the boots, Toby floated up, hoping what awaited him was far better than what was down there.


Day twenty-four of the jump-on-board-for-blogflash2012-30-days-30-prompts-30-posts/ coutesey of Terri Giuliano Long. Pop along to her page The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively for wonderful tips and advice on writing and for reading the entries from wonderful writers.


  1. I love the creativity of this and the pics are great!

    1. It was a visit to a woodland park in Suffolk called Bewilderwood. I just loved all the little houses and am so pleased to be able to use them for a story prompt. xx

  2. Wow, love the photo's in your piece. Very clever that you've woven the two prompts together - I was fascinated by the shoe tree! I don't it's going to be scary, more magical x.

    1. I have been waiting to be in the right frame of mind to continue and yes, glad it's not scary but more magical. The pics were from a place in Suffolk called BewilderWood. It was a magical place and some lovely memories of when my son was a boy a few years ago. xxx

  3. I love this, Lizzie! It's so creative and - as Lesley commented - magical!

    1. Yay; I've never entered into the magical world when writing. It's kinda cute. Thank you. xx

  4. Oh, so glad you found the right prompt to continue this story and the photos are magical!! :)

    1. it was a cute day out and so pleased I can use the pics for some writing. xx

  5. Interesting story Lizzie. I wonder where it's going, and the photos are wild. :0)

    1. I love the pics; from a day out in Suffolk. Such cute little houses in the trees.It was an attempt at a magical story. Have to find some time to expand on it. xx
