
Wednesday 15 August 2012

Books Day 15

Excitedly yet delicately, Amber turned the fragile page of the old, musty leather bound book. She knew it was forbidden until she was of age. The magic inside was of the most powerful and dark kind but that wasn’t enough to stop her.
Only one tincey wincey spell; what harm could one spell do? Her sister, April, had already used it successfully and Amber was far more talented than her older sister when it came to casting spells.
And there it was. Amber took a deep breath and began the incantation.
“Stop!” But as Amber looked up, a surge of energy grabbed her and she was pulled into the book before April’s eyes. The book snapped shut and April was alone. . . .

Oops, gone over the word count, but needs must and all.

Day fifteen and half way through the  jump-on-board-for-blogflash2012-30-days-30-prompts-30-posts/ coutesey of Terri Giuliano Long. Pop along to her page The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively for wonderful tips and advice on writing and for reading the entries from wonderful writers.


  1. OH, getting sucked into a book is a wonderful take on the prompt!! I love it!! I always tell myself, 'just one more page or one more chapter' and before you know it, it's morning and I haven't slept a wink!!! :)

    1. It's very hard to put a good book down! And I would love to get sucked in to some books; Hogwarts, Narnia. Gorgeous! x

  2. Oh dear! These foolish people messing with magic books. They've a habit of closing on you like that if you're not careful!

    Great post :)

  3. Oooh! What happens next?? Wonderful post!!

    1. Working on it! Thanks for commenting and liking. xxx

  4. That's a new take on getting lost on a book! Hopefully April can help!

  5. What a wonderful take on the prompt! Well worth the extra words - this was an excellent response!

    1. Thanks Terri. Hope I can work on it some more. xx

  6. You had me captured at the first sentence. Well done!

  7. Thank you Allison. I enjoyed this one. xx
